Portable Medical Waste Incinerators
Its small & compact design mean this incinerator is perfectly suited for small medical facilities and laboratories. However its the fact that this system is totally portable and can be setup ready for use in less than 15 minutes* that is making it so popular.
Portable waste incineration is made easy when you are using a carefully designed solution that has been engineered specifically to be moved around. Many competing systems require lengthy de-commissioning and re-commisioning between operating sites.
Compact, Trailer/Skid Mounted Designs
The modified designs incorporate a number of features to enhance usage as a mobile waste solution. These systems now has an additional primary burners* to increase performance and flexibility. New insulation and exterior shell to increase longevity and appearance. The control panel can also been housed into the door frame to improve rigidity and access.
*dependent on model purchased.
Trailer Mounted
These trailers have been built to withstand the rigorous of the construction industry. The beam axle system features sealed, unitized wheel bearings and powerful auto-reverse brakes and is unequaled for strength and durability. The parabolic taper relief spring suspension has proved itself to be the best in the business and helps to provide the secure, stable towing characteristics and longevity. Other options available for these trailers are fixing rings, prop stands, weld mesh side extensions and aluminium tread plate flooring.

On-Skid Mounted
For larger models, on-skid, platform type installation is available. The platform is deigned in a way so it can house the incinerator and related equipment, including fuel tanks and generator.
Specially designed lifting points ensure full mobility of this solution. it is possible to operate on a truck trailer without unloading it. A hinged chimney option is also available to assure minimum transport preparation time.
NB: Larger models may require additional setup and dismantling between operating sites.

Containerised Incinerators
We build and supply a wide range of models that can be containerised. Visit our containerisation page for more information.
Specially designed lifting points ensure full mobility of this solution. It is possible to operate on a truck trailer without unloading it. A hinged chimney option is also available to assure minimum transport preparation time.
NB: Larger models may require additional setup and dismantling between operating sites.
How are our Incinerators are used?
All our medical waste incineration systems can be used to destroy the majority of medical refuge. There are only a handful of very dangerous elements and waste streams we do not cover (explosives and radioactive materials)*. Our portable incinerators are currently operating in the following locations/situations:
- Drug Destruction – Panama
- General Medical Waste – Egypt
- Waste from Disease Outbreaks – Liberia
- Refugee Camps – Syria
- Vaccination Programmes
- Medical Van Africa
- Mobile Primary Healthcare Clinics
*if you are unsure about your waste stream, contact one of our team and we will be happy to help establish the suitability of your waste for incineration.
For more information on our Variety of Medical & Non-Medical Incinerators
Call us now on +44 (0)7428 120 152 or use the form on our Contact Us page.